Wollongong City Council has changed consent conditions for future construction development applications in the Wollongong CBD following a Notice of Motion by Labor Lord Mayoral candidate, Tania Brown.
“We have experienced an increase in construction noise across the CBD, particularly due to the excavation of basement car parks, which is impacting residents and their quality of life," said Cr Tania Brown.
“To address this emerging issue I am pleased that Council has listened to community concerns and reviewed its systems in relation to complaint management and standard development assessment conditions for construction noise.
“A detailed Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan will now be required to be submitted prior to development assessment, getting ahead of the issue and providing some assurance to neighbouring residents that their concerns will be heard.
“These measures identify how developers can work with residents to identify a community consultation strategy, that includes notifications for periods of noisy work, complaints resolution procedures, built in respite periods and mitigation strategies for the different stages of the development.
“The updated conditions will make hours of construction work consistent, as well as include conditions specifically addressing new excavation technologies such as rock breaking, rock hammering and blasting.
“Hopefully these new measures will address the unrelenting jackhammering that residents had been experiencing and improve quality of life for residents as the city continues to grow,“ Cr Brown said.